Promotion & Interpretation Programme for Refurbishment of Victorian Jubilee Fountain
PROVISION OF A PROMOTION AND INTERPRETATION PROGRAMME TO SUPPORT THE JUBILEE FOUNTAIN PROJECTMonmouth’s Grade 2, 1897, Jubilee Fountain is an overlooked gem. It sits in historic St Thomas’s Square, next to our famed mediaeval bridge. Sadly, the fountain has fallen into disrepair and has not worked for decades. This community-led initiative to restore the fountain throws a spotlight on the town’s heritage and our place in Wales whilst engaging the full breadth of the community with our history, healthy living and the reduction of plastic waste.The project will:1. restore the fountain to working order, giving it a prominence that will ensure its care long into the future and2. use the restoration and its associated programme of community engagement to:•celebrate Monmouth’s heritage by bringing it to a new, larger and more diverse audience;•encourage and help underpin long-term environmental sustainability;•change ideas and activities about fountains, water and waste;•promote and support community wellbeing;•help boost the local economy and•help make Monmouth a better place to live work and visit.The project has been built around a people-focused engagement plan designed to connect more and a diverse range people with heritage. Although embracing the concept of “heritage for all” the project will specifically target the young, the disadvantaged and the community of Overmonnow. The plan has four principal elements underpinned by a fifth, a programme of promotion, publicity and interpretation. Working collaboratively with the project’s stakeholders, a contractor is sought to manage and deliver this programme.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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CPV Codes
79340000 - Advertising and marketing services
79342200 - Promotional services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors