Promotion and PR
Successful delivery and execution of a promotion strategy to raise brand awareness for BBC ALBA and to promote content and initiatives on the channel year-round. FilmG, SpeakGaelic and LearnGaelic will also require support with promotion and PR at key points in the year. In order to ensure delivery, the successful applicant will be expected to provide the following, which will form part of the contract: Strategy and Planning 1.Deliver a promotion strategy, including platform-specific approaches; 2.Provide ongoing PR support, building relationships with key media and identifying opportunities to promote the brands’ key messages; 3.Crisis communications if and when required; 4.Regularly assess the implementation and impact of promotion strategies and adjust or remedy accordingly; 5.Breakdown of how the budget will be spent; 6.Regular reporting showcasing measurable results; Execution 7.Be the key delivery channel for BBC ALBA promotional messages to the media; 8.Meet with MG ALBA Brands Communication Manager and senior BBC ALBA executives regularly to plan BBC ALBA promotion priorities; 9.Work with producers to advise, create and distribute regular output of programme promotional materials resulting in high quality media coverage of programmes; 10.Advise and liaise on high-impact digital promotion of BBC ALBA and all programmes, working closely with BBC ALBA’s Digital Hub; 11.Author programme promotional materials for significant campaigns, and place features and additional content in relevant digital and traditional media; 12.Support and advise in-house team to reach English-speaking and Gaelic-speaking viewers through digital, local press, promotional/press events, photo calls, screenings, partnerships, collaborations etc. 13.Provide media monitoring services and alert the Brands Communication Manager of any potential media opportunities; 14.Insight and delivery support for BBC ALBA/MG ALBA stakeholder events and screenings throughout the contract duration, as required; 15.Understand BBC ALBA and production workflows and work smartly with producers, avoiding duplication of effort; 16.Provide strategy, insight and support for SpeakGaelic and LearnGaelic for key periods in the year; 17.Support the strategy for PR and marketing around FilmG working in tandem with our FilmG delivery partner at key points in the project year. The aim of the promotional activity is: -To strengthen BBC ALBA brand awareness and perceptions among national audiences and potential audiences (both Gaelic and English speaking) -To reach new, younger audiences with a multi-platform, digital-first approach -To convert audiences to engage with MG ALBA’s brands Outcomes: -Increased reach for BBC ALBA and/or BBC ALBA content, including digital platforms -Increased visitors to SpeakGaelic and LearnGaelic websites -Coverage in a range of media, including digital, print and broadcast Measurable KPIs will be agreed upon the appointment of the succesful tenderer. We will not expect you to carry out work that should be undertaken by the in-house communications team or by production suppliers. The exception will be for specific campaigns or where there are one-off opportunities for publicity.
Published Date :
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Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79416100 - Public relations management services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors