Property Design and associated Professional Services
Staffordshire County Council requires the whole range of design services from feasibility through to construction contract management. Typical projects are corporate building extensions and refurbishments with occasional new builds but the majority of work involves the provision of new schools or school expansions. The council expects to spend on average circa of £15m per annum on school buildings over the next three years on 12 projects. Corporate buildings work is less certain but in the region of £10m over the three years. However, there is the potential for this to be significantly higher. The new arrangements will replace an existing outsourced design provision and it is anticipated that the new provider would be expected to receive circa 25 employees under TUPE transfer. The scope of services will be - Project design and management of project delivery - Architect services - Quantity surveyor and cost planning services - Mechanical, electrical & structural engineering - Principal designers for construction, design and management (CDM) advisory services - Master planning and business case support services - Contract management including frameworks, tenders - Project management for major and minor capital works projects - Procurement advisory services - Accessibility advisory services. - Property development including production of development/design briefs, asset management and planning for capital expenditure. - Financial and programming monitoring of commissioned projects/ programmes
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors