Property Flood Resilience Training Programme
The Strategic Property Flood Resilience Team (PFR) within the Environment Agency (EA) and in partnership with the PFR Industry Roundtable have identified a need to deliver specific training related to the PFR sector from April 2021 onwards. The aim of this training is primarily to develop PFR training in line with the new PFR Code of Practice (PFR CoPs) and British Standards 851188 as identified in a PFR Training Gap Analysis Report, (CIWEM, 2020). This training will improve understanding and application of the key industry standards and methodologies and will be focused on the three audiences identified below. There will also be a need to have any developed training accredited via the CIWEM or other professional body accreditation process. EA wish to explore both the e-learning provision, in-house and/or face-to-face classroom development solutions moving forward, both used as separate items and/or blended learning. However, it is expected that the appointed training provider will have sufficient knowledge and competence to adequately manage all PFR related queries which arise during the delivery of all PFR training, testing, evaluation and accreditation and events. Given the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic working arrangements, 'virtual' classroom solutions via a suitable online platform will be required moving forward. However, we would like to see an option to revert to traditional face-to-face classroom / group learning solutions once the Covid-19 restrictions are lifted. The EA have identified a need for 3 training packages to be made available. The expected delivery timescales have been provided for each of the three audiences below: -Audience 1 - PFR Industry Training (Delivery by June 2021): On completion of the training the course delegates (contractor practitioners and supervisory managers) will have received sufficient information and knowledge of relevant British Standards in order for them to comply with the PFR Code of Practice (CoP) standards for Surveys (CoP 1-3) and Installation (CoP 4-6), British and Kite Mark standards. -Audience 2 - EA Staff PFR Training (Delivery by Sept 2021): On completion of the training the course delegates (PFR Leads and PFR Project Managers) will receive an overview of the EA's FCERM Strategy on Property Flood Resilience (PFR) measures. -Audience 3 - Risk Management Authority (RMA) Capacity Building (Delivery by Dec 2021): On completion of the training the course delegates (RMA staff) will receive an overview of the EA's FCERM Strategy on Property Flood Resilience (PFR) measures. Where appropriate refresher training should be incorporated into the training provision to ensure professional competence is maintained once staff have achieved the respective accreditation and to reflect any industry developments or updates. This contract is being let as one project and therefore the supplier must be able to offer training development for all three parts.
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CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors