Protected Species Monitoring and Survey - Survey of Greater Horseshoe bat colony around Creech Grange, Purbeck, Dorset to inform SSSI designation.
A survey of Greater Horseshoe bats is required to inform revision of the Creech Grange SSSI designation and needs to address four key objectives: - To identify whether there are maternity roosts for Greater Horseshoe bats in the vicinity of Creech Grange - To investigate previously identified roosts where the roost status is unclear. - If maternity roosts are found, to undertake roost counts to establish the size of the colony(ies) and identify the key roosts, feeding areas and commuting routes used over the summer active period. - To synthesise the evidence to inform the designation as appropriate. It is appreciated that surveys will need to be flexible depending on the results found. The quote should include costings as per the Request for Quotation document, section 3.
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