Provide Digital Audit and Action Plan Advice to Micro and SME's Under The 'Go Digital' Programme - Framework Agreement
Norfolk County Council wishes to establish a Framework Agreement for business advisor services to support Norfolk micro and SME's to improve their use of digital technology. We wish to create a pool of advisors under a Framework Agreement, who have experience of working across a range of sectors who can provide broad business based support but specifically, detailed digital advice to help micro and SME's to increase their use of digital technology successfully. Whilst this programme will be accessible to micro and SME's in Norfolk, regardless of sector, there will be an increased emphasis on attracting businesses from the Visitor Economy, Care sector and food and drink producers as have been shown to be in particular need of help. Because of the diverse nature of businesses we expect to attract to the programme, we require a range of advisors with different digital specialisms so that we can match programme clients with the most relevant expertise. To date 40% of our enquiries are related to digital marketing. Whilst we hope to match all advisors joining the pool with more than one business coming through the programme, we cannot guarantee this and there is no automatic guarantee of work. Price will not be evaluated as part of this process, as we will pay a fixed fee of £40 per hour (+VAT) for all work on this project. It is expected that you will work for the full nine hours allocated to each client. No additional costs can be added to this rate. Full details of the requirement can be found in the Service Specification, which forms a Schedule to the Terms and Conditions.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors