Providers of IRIS within Swansea Bay University Health Board
Swansea Bay University Health Board seek to appoint a supplier to support in meeting the requirements of Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015. IRIS (Identification and Referral to Improve Safety) is a programme based within General Practice that provides training and referral support where Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA) has been identified. The programme includes all required training and education and an opportunity to refer to specialist third sector services. It is aimed at women that are experiencing DVA and provides signposting for male victims and for perpetrators. The purpose of IRIS is to improve health responses to victims and increase practitioner’s confidence to ask the question and report appropriately.To express your interest in tendering for this contract please contact Julie Williams, Procurement Business Manager by 30th June 2022:
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
75200000 - Provision of services to the community
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors