Provision and installation of ground floor to 1st floor mezzanine level goods lift (non person carrying)- within The Fleet Air Arm Museum Reserve Collection storage building, Yeovilton, Somerset.
Provision and installation of ground floor to 1st floor mezzanine level goods lift (non person carrying)- within The Fleet Air Arm Museum Reserve Collection storage building, Yeovilton, Somerset. The Fleet Air Arm Museum (FAAM) is part of the National Museum of the Royal Navy and houses the historic Naval aircraft element of the NMRN Collection. The reserve collection storage building is situated at Yeovilton, Somerset, on a site positioned opposite the main Museum site and having its own access. It does not require any specific MOD approved access or security controlling other than through Communication with Fleet Air Arm Museum staff. The store building was constructed in 1999 and represents a very high quality (at the time) state of the art, climatically controlled museum storage building. As such all operations and construction works carried out within the building will need to observe these heritage standard conditions (Minimal door opening times, no food or drink within the building, no smoking, clean working practices and removal of all debris and packaging material etc). The external area of the site will have other traffic and other movements in operation whilst this lift installation is in process, so there will need to be a level of awareness concerning other vehicles and persons moving in the area immediately outside of the storage building doorway/access point. The purpose and scope of this ITT and its supporting documents is to explain in further detail the requirements of the NMRN and the procurement process for submitting a tender proposal. The Fleet Air Arm Museum is located at the following address: Fleet Air Arm Museum, RNAS Yeovilton, Ilchester, Somerset, BA22 8HT.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors