Provision for the treatment of North West Region Waste Management Group collected residual waste fro
The contracting authority means one of or all of the following Councils; Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and Derry City and Strabane District Council which make up the North West Region Waste Management Group intends to procure a partner to deliver the Provision for the treatment of North West Region Waste Management Group collected residual waste from kerbside collections and from other council services.Contractors must be able to provide a service that allows for the following elements; for the provision of services for the possible haulage, treatment and disposal materials from Local Authority Collected Municipal Kerbside Residual Waste and from Council services. This includes for the processing, diversion, recycling and onward distribution to the end markets of the materials collected in order to achieve a recycling rate for the input materials at a minimum of 15 % by weight. It is required to achieve a Landfill diversion rate for the input materials at a minimum of 65 % by weight. The treatment of this waste is intended to ensure that the Client meets its obligations under Domestic and European legislation including the Landfill Allowance Scheme (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2004. The Client anticipates that some 66 600 tonnes per annum of residual waste will require treatment and for the duration of the contract.The Client envisages the use of processes such as mechanical biological treatment, anaerobic digestion and the production of refuse derived recovered fuel (RDF) for energy recovery at an R1 rated facility as being acceptable technologies for the treatment of the Client's waste, to meet EWC code 20 03 01. The service also requires that Contract Waste undergo a treatment process that results in the Contract Waste being re-classified specifically to EWC codes 19-12-10 and 19-12-12 before shipment to a R1 facility.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90500000 - Refuse and waste related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors