Provision of a Committee Process Management System
COMMITTEE PROCESSES MANAGEMENT SYSTEMThe authority is looking into providing its members with an electronic committee management system and is seeking suitable companies to provide this service.Our requirements are identified in this specification with the following indicators:E: EssentialD: DesirableYour company shall be able to achieve all of the Essential indicators before expressing an interest in this process.Management of DocumentsThe ability to:Produce agenda/reports/minutes in accordance with the Council’s corporate style utilising Microsoft Word templates. (E)·Enable administrators to create/import/edit Microsoft Word templates. (E)·Import of documents created outside of the system for incorporation into the committee pack e.g. plans, maps, scanned hard copy documents, etc. (E)·Circulate draft reports to consultees for comment/suggested amendment incorporating an effective tracking system. (E)·Set up standard items automatically on agenda sheet e.g. apologies, minutes, declarations of interest, etc. (E)·Insert page numbers and agenda item numbers automatically on report items. (E)·Insert automatic numbering of minutes for each meeting. (E)·Produce meeting minutes by importing selected items from the original reports and inserting of additional free text. (E)·Circulate draft minutes to consultees for comment/suggested amendment incorporating an effective tracking system. (E)·Workflow offering the potential for single or multiple review and authorisation stages for draft documents dependent upon target committee, originating department, etc. (E)·Workflow must incorporate deadlines for each phase and an effective monitoring facility to assist the management of these deadlines. (E)·Flexibility to cater for single or multiple document authorisers. (E)·Workflow facilitating an approval process consisting of multiple stages. (E)·Record and publish delegated power decisions made by officers to facilitate the legal requirements of the ‘call-in’ procedure. (E)·Display the user activity history related to the document production and its current status. (E)·Automatic storage and indexing of agenda/minutes/reports when finalised. (E)·Restriction of access to exempt documents and the reason for the exemption. (E)·Facilitate the preparation, management and publication of Forward Work Plans on-line. (E)·Capability of linking documents to elements of the Forward Work Plan. (E)·Ability to send bulk print requests to the Print Unit electronically. (D)·Ability to email committee packs and/or other documentation automatically to selected recipients, e.g. members of a committee, officers attending meeting, etc. (E)·Email alerts sent to subscribers automatically when new content made available, e.g. officers, members of the public, etc. (E)Storage of Documents Documents managed in the system will be stored in a manner that provides the following facilities:·Text searching of the entire store of agenda/minutes/reports by the following methods:·Simple and advanced search options (E)·Words (key words and phrases) (E)·Combinations of words (E)·Text wildcards (E)·Date range (E)·Document type e.g. agenda, minutes or reports (E)·Committee group (E)·Committee name (E)·Refining the previous search (e.g. criteria are retained and editable). (E)·Search within the sub-set of results returned by the previous search. (D)·Search facility should be able to use ‘fuzzy matching’ and wildcards on any data field. (D)·Return of search results should typically be within 3 seconds. (E)Database Capability·Member details, including name, address, ward, telephone, date elected, chairmanship / vice-chairmanship of Committees, portfolios held, membership of Committees, groups, attendance records, political party, whether a representative on outside bodies, when appointed and declarations of interest. (E)Production of consolidated Register of Declarations of Interest. (D)Details of Community Council Clerks. (E)·Calendar of meetings. (E)Ability to add user defined fields to the database. (D)GeneralThe ability to:·Allow PDF’s to be attached to documents as they are being managed through the system. (E)·Ability to print a paragraph, page or selected pages, or the whole document retrieved from the system. (E)·Ability to print the complete Committee pack. (E)·Ability to amend the Committee structure to take account of past and present structures. (E)·Migration of approximately 45,000 documents existing document repository (Stellent) and associated metadata. (E)·Sophisticated role based security functionality facilitating the restriction of user access to view, amend and delete data appropriately within the system. (E)·Ability to restrict access to exempt information. (E)·Multi-user access of the document store, allowing several people simultaneous “read only” access to any given document. (E)·Ability to track users who have accessed exempt material and when. (E)·Establish hypertext links, or similar, between related agenda, reports and Minutes. (E)·Produce performance management data, e.g. performance indicators for production of minutes, missed deadlines, analysis of number of meetings held, etc. (E)·Capability to produce English and Welsh language versions of any web presence and facilitate the production of committee packs bilingually (English and Welsh). (E)·Automatic English to Welsh language phrase translation facility to automatically populate Welsh language content. (E)·Publish/embed material onto website/intranet/Members' Portal e.g. RSS feeds, seamless integration with existing web pages, links to PDF documents, etc. (E)·Ability to integrate with webcast systems and social media. (E)Ability to integrate with electronic voting systems. (D)·Provision of a mobile solution preferably using IOS, Android and Windows 8 mobile platforms. (E)·Check availability of attendees for meetings to mitigate against double bookings. (D)·The prospective supplier must commit to provide training for at least ten users at the Council’s offices. (E)·Ability to adopt a phased approach to the rollout of system functionality. (E)·Ability to allow members of public to respond to draft versions of forward work programmes. (D)·The prospective supplier must confirm compliance with all requirements stated above
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CPV Codes
48000000 - Software package and information systems
48810000 - Information systems
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors