Provision of a Feasibility Study - Day and work opportunities and in- house respite services
Project Overview –The purpose of this project is to undertake a full service review around the delivery of services within the Day and Work Opportunities (DaWO) and the in house respite service provision currently available within Wrexham for citizens with disabilities.The feasibility study of a day and work opportunities and the current respite service provision depends on providing the necessary services for citizens with disabilities or people with special needs who need support and rehabilitation so that they can live in the community without worry and fear and deal naturally with all people.Funding has been made available to ensure that there are clear options appraisal in place that enhances the offer of day support and respite provision to citizens and their carers and in practice aims to enhance the level of independence of some citizens who have historically attended a day centre setting and to have a clear robust implementation plan in place.There are currently limited options for citizens with disabilities in Wrexham and Wrexham Council would like to explore future opportunities to enhance the offer they can provide to their citizens that enables choice and empowerment.We are commissioning a feasibility study to scope the future of Work Opportunities and respite provision.The maximum funding available for this project is £78,000.00Please see specification for further information ( )NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85300000 - Social work and related services
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors