Provision of a Fully Managed Digital Messaging Service for The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust .
This is an urgent requirement to provide a Digital Messaging Service with phase 1 & 2 to be completed by 28th October 2017 as there is the need to work alongside the other improvement works being carried out at the Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust to minimise disruption to patients, visitors and staff. As part of the main entrance and OPD capital upgrade works it is proposed to implement a fully managed digital messaging service that will provide healthcare and local service information to patients, visitors and staff across our three main sites. This will include all the main waiting areas, i.e. outpatient services waiting areas, Emergency Department waiting areas and in-patient ward areas. The contract will utilize six existing screens, but 24 new ones will be required. The Trust requires the following to be delivered as part of the service. •A bespoke, unlimited creative service for the screen displays which conforms to the Trust's brand guidelines, including layouts •Screen management service and¬ unlimited content management including deployment and monitoring of content •Confirmation that only PAHT desired, approved messaging will appear on the screen •Messages to be updated and refreshed at any time, within a 1 hour turnaround and in 90% of cases, usually within minutes •Instantaneous messaging facility enabling staff to update specific screen message text in real-time e.g. waiting times, trust news. •Support via phone or email for help desk queries to run through simple checklists and triage •Live BBC News/Sport ticker on screen, or own ticker as appropriate •Local weather forecast Tenders must be received via the portal by 16:00 BST on 18th September 2017
Published Date :
Deadline :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
32270000 - Digital transmission apparatus
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors