Provision of a Nursery/Play-scheme service at DVLA Swansea.
DVLA requires expressions of interest for the provision of a nursery and play-scheme service. The nursery facility has a maximum capacity for 121 children and holds a BREEME excellent status. Estimated income is 70 000 GBP per annum with potential for growth. The contract will be let for 3 years with the option to extend for a further 1 year + 1 year. The Contracting Authority wishes to appoint a service provider to provide a high quality nursery service for pre-school children to operate 52 weeks a year; an after school collection service within a 5 mile radius of the DVLA Main Site (term time) and a play-scheme service for 4-11 year olds (non-term time). The service provider will be responsible for ensuring that the nursery complies, at all times, with the National Minimum standards for providers of full day care issued by the Welsh Assembly Government under section 79C of the Children Act 1989.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85312110 - Child daycare services
Status :
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High Value :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors