Provision of a One Gloucestershire Citizens Panel
NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) seeks expressions of interest from suitably qualified organisations that have the necessary capability and capacity to provide Citizens Panels in Gloucestershire. Systems are finding new ways to work with people and communities. One of the most effective ways adopted by some ICSs has been the development of Citizens' Panels which has been highlighted in the recently published ICS Design Framework. ICBs are expected to develop a system-wide strategy for engaging with people and communities using the Ten principles as a starting point. Part of this new approach is to develop a Citizens' Panel, providing a mechanism for gathering insight and feedback on health and care issues from a representative sample of the circa 640,000 population of Gloucestershire. This anonymised feedback will be shared with project managers and senior leaders to help shape and influence One Gloucestershire partnership initiatives and programmes of work. Anonymised feedback will also be made publicly available so Panel members and the wider public will have the opportunity to review the results (and understand the actions being taken as a result). Our approach will focus on engaging those who may not normally choose to provide their views on health and care issues (going beyond the 'usual voices'). The Panel will be used to complement existing methods of engagement and involvement to support our continued efforts to hear from a representative mix of the local population. We intend to appoint an independent organisation to recruit, develop and manage the relationship with our Citizens' Panel. For the purposes of this specification we call the individuals in the sample collectively a 'Citizens Panel' (CP) However, we would like to work with the successful External supplier to frame and name the grouping of individuals in the sample to ensure this method, and the unique insight it will bring, remains authentic and is not confused with other similar sounding methodologies used currently in our system e.g. Citizens' Juries, Patient Panels (for recruitment and selection processes). NHS Gloucestershire CCG expects that the service provided will represent value for money. The cost envelope range for the delivery of this contract is £35,000 to £40,000 (total cost for the 2-year contract period). Any bidders who cannot give written assurances that they can provide the outlined service within this financial envelope will be excluded from the tender process. Organisations interested in providing this service should register on the In-Tend e-procurement portal ( and express interest no later than noon Friday 1 July 2022. Associated Invitation to Tender (ITT) documentation will then be made available for bidding organisations to access. Completed ITT submissions must be returned via the In-Tend portal no later than noon, Friday 8 July 2022.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors