Provision Of A Qualitative Evaluation Of The Better Housing Better Health Home Visiting Service
Oxfordshire County Council has awarded a contract to qualitatively evaluate the Better Home, Better Health (BHBH) Scheme to inform investment by wider system partners and to improve the service being commissioned The objectives of the contract are to: Objectives: 1. Explore the nature of the impacts (resident health and wellbeing and improvements to housing conditions) of the visit and advice to residents (3-6 months after visit). 2. Identify what the added values were of the BHBH service, in particular related to the home visit element over and above the telephone support only, to inform commissioning and service delivery. 3. Identify what the weaknesses and areas of development are of the current BHBH service, in particular related to the home visit element to develop the commissioning and service delivery. 4. Understand the differences in impact and effectiveness between advice and signposting to other services versus referrals and building based interventions being completed or supported by the service. 5. Explore the nature of the impacts of the service on referrers to the service, in line with principles of the Oxfordshire Way. 6. Explore why some residents have not acted on advice or did not find support offered helpful; including any trends in type of household that does not act on advice The Contract period is 7 months and commenced on 14 April 2023.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73210000 - Research consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors