Provision of a research team to support ONR in the area of nuclear graphite structural integrity
The current contracts are due to end in September 2016 and ONR is seeking to put in place a new five year contract, to replace both of the existing contracts, for the provision of similar support services to those described above. ONR envisages that the need for support will continue at about the present level. However rather than offering a contract renewal on a single tender basis, ONR wishes to perform a 'market test' and will therefore conduct a tender exercise in which interested parties are invited to bid. Although the current contracts are delivered through a Professor, a Lecturer, a PDRA and a consultant, it is important to note that ONR is prepared to consider other approaches to meeting the requirements and interested parties are invited to propose alternatives which will be assessed on a like for like basis against the other proposals received. Reflecting the fact that the Professor and Lecturer have other University related duties, whereas the PDRA works entirely on ONR tasks, the main present contract does not require or expect the Professor and Lecturer to work on ONR projects full time. You should therefore assume that the level of resource required to deliver the work needed under the new contract will be approximately equivalent to: (i) a PDRA working full time on ONR projects, (ii) both the Lecturer and Professor spending a quarter of their time on specifically ONR work.As described though, ONR generally expects much of the lecturer's and professor's other activities to be related to graphite technology. (iii) a professorial level consultant working approximately a quarter of his time. (iv) additional effort at any level can be added as an option. The Contractor will be expected to produce annual plans and manage delivery of work programmes and projects to agreed time, cost and quality standards as appropriate. Work programmes will be reviewed regularly and revised as appropriate in progress meetings held jointly by ONR and the Contractor. In addition to working on programmes and projects agreed by ONR, the Contractor's staff would be expected to keep abreast of the current state of the graphite cores in AGRs, by attending meetings and considering documents as requested. Throughout the contract advice is likely to be sought by ONR and this may necessitate the writing of reports etc. on a timely basis. Preparation of annual plans, scope of work and budgetary forecasts, invoices, progress reports, liaison with ONR and management of the production of technical reports.
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Tender Regions
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors