Provision of a Safety Culture Survey Tool for the Office for Nuclear Regulation
ONR are looking to contract one Supplier for a maximum of 5 years (3+1+1) to deliver the following key aims: • Provide a Survey Software tool with the capability of delivering ONR's full requirements enabling organisations to demonstrate their performance against pre-determined safety culture measures. • Provide expert support in the design and build of the required surveys • Provide a robust, efficient, secure and fit-for-purpose ongoing management and support model. ONR require the development of a detailed survey on a software tool that will provide a platform on which a user can run the survey on behalf of their organisation and be provided with auto-generated results and benchmarks. There are a number of Must Requirements that the supplier will need to meet. As this will be Software as a Service (SaaS) ONR have a questionnaire (Annex B) that will need to be completed by suppliers, this will allow ONR to better understand any risks associated with the proposed service. The survey software will be based around the model of safety culture, which comprises of six dimensions and 15 sub-dimensions. This is accompanied by a measure comprising of 60-items. Two other versions of survey length will also need to be made available (short-form comprising of 30-items, and super-short form comprising of 15-items). Each of the six dimensions can also be used as stand-alone measures, so in effect a suite of nine measures will need to be built into the survey. In order to gain access to the tender documentation you will be required to register your organisation details on the ONR Procurement Portal, free of charge, by accessing the following link : When prompted, please enter Access Code 943T95XCF5 to be linked directly to the opportunity.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79310000 - Market research services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors