Provision of a Smartphone Application
OverviewSNAP Cymru has invested heavily in its website to provide a comprehensive online resource. However, it is aimed more at parents than children, and SNAP Cymru wants to develop a smartphone application that is dedicated to providing a simple, interactive resource for young people 14 to 25 who have or may have specific educational issues. These include but are not limited to:•Not in Employment, Education, or Training (NEET)•At risk of becoming NEET•Transition•Bullying•Exclusion•Special or Additional Educational Needs•Training and DevelopmentMore details of these issues can be found on our website, the target audience experience significant pressures and we want to develop a resource that immediately alleviates that pressure by providing action not words. This development will complement and enhance our ESF funded *Reach the Heights project activities strengthening the current position for young people aged 11-19 who are, or are at risk of becoming, NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) by improving access for young people to learning, support, advice, and guidance *Reach the Heights Reach the Heights is a group of projects aimed at improving the opportunities available to children and young people in Wales. ‘First Footholds’ aims to strengthen the current position for young people aged 11-19 who are, or are at risk of becoming, NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training). ‘Routes to the Summit’ aims to improve opportunities for learning, advice, support and guidance for the same age group. Both projects are working on new ways to engage young people and to improve their chances and opportunities. They will develop and offer information, guidance, and training, and create new learning opportunities and experiences for people across the age range. Funding‘Reach the Heights’ is part financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and is part of the Convergence Programme for west Wales and the Valleys.About the applicationWe leave the developmental methods up to the successful contractor, and welcome ideas to enhance the finished application, but the basic specification essentials are:1.The application must be freely available as iOS available in Apple App Store and the Android Marketplace and therefore must adhere to the relevant developmental terms and conditions, and be accepted for distribution before it is signed off.2.It should be designed to appeal to the target group of 14 to 25 year olds3.It must involve regular feedback from young people throughout the development4.It must be delivered in English and Welsh5.It should profile the user by asking them to provide basic information about themselves such as age, gender and what issue they are experiencing so that we can provide relevant information, menus, and a design that suits the age and gender6.Once profiled, the user will be immediately invited to request help or advice by using built in communication tools which connect them to the SNAP Cymru support personnel. This could be achieved using:a.Click to call the helplineb.Live chat when operators are available which captures additional information such as the user’s name and phone number, but also sends profile information such as the age, issue and gender – but this system must also allow the user to start an anonymous chat if they so wishc.Call me backd.Simple enquiry form which captures the usersi.Name, and optionallyii.Phone numberiii.Addressiv.Auto fills profile datav.The user’s enquiry7.Any communications with the help desk need to create a unique case number so that the case can be monitored and updated via a back office system. This would also need to communicate with the user so that personal messages from the support centre can be seen as messages in the application.8.The app will need to include general content, so some sort of content management will be required and may include:a.General contentb.Imagesc.PDF’sd.Linkse.Videof.FAQs in the relevant subjectsg.Case studies9.The app will need to allow users to update their profile10.The app will need to include moderated forums in relevant subjects. Access to the forums will be by invitation only as they will include users with similar issues that they can discuss11.The app will need to allow for us to point to resources and other contacts with children’s advocacy organisations, such as, CLIC and MEICBudget for this tenderThe total budget for this tender is £39,000 (Thirty-nine thousand pounds)Weighting•Cost 15%•Development proposals and ideas 50%•Experience 15%•Development Schedule 20%Submissions deadlineThe deadline for tender submissions is Monday, 16th July 2012. Tender submissions must reach us by 14.00 hrs at the latest and be sent by email to IMPORTANT If the email including attachments is larger than10mb please send multiple emails clearly indicating the number being submitted as part of the tender in the first email i.e. ‘This is email 1 of 3’Evaluation Process - Short listingThe first stage of the evaluation process will be to short list from all of the tender proposals received. The criteria for short listing will be:•A full completed tender application carefully considering the ‘basic specification essentials’ and answering all of the questions in ‘What to include in your tender’ IMPORTANT Not carefully considering the ‘basic specification essentials’ and fully answering all of the questions in ‘What to include in your tender’ will result in disqualification at this stage.Presentation of proposalsIf you are shortlisted, you will be expected to present your proposals during the week commencing Monday, 30th July 2012. Technical questions will be asked and young people will be present to assist in the evaluation.Presentations will last 40 minutes. You will have 20 minutes to present your ideas, and then there will be a 20 minute Q&A sessionAward of contractContract will be awarded by 13th August, 2012Deadline for completionMonday, 3rd December 2012
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
48510000 - Communication software package
48520000 - Multimedia software package
48500000 - Communication and multimedia software package
64212000 - Mobile-telephone services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors