Provision of a suitable Battery System for a T69 Tram
Black Country Innovative Manufacturing Organisation (BCIMO) have acquired an Ansaldo T69 tram from its previous service life. The tram will have been electrically checked for safety and any required rectifications made prior to the start of the project. The primary purpose of the vehicle is for use as a test mule for rail innovations, such as autonomous driving, fuel cell powertrains, battery powertrains etc. BCIMO wish to run this vehicle on their 2.2km track. However, the track does not have a catenary (overhead wire) system to supply electricity. The purpose of the project is to provide an electrical energy source (battery) and associated charging / management / safety and control equipment to enable the tram to be operated at a given max duty cycle without the use of an overhead power system. BCIMO are considering adding a battery to replace of the overhead wire supply, does not integrate with the vehicle electronics and to respect the battery limits, relies on driver-in-the-loop feedback via a visual display of current draw and on robust battery disconnection via e.g. Mosfet switches. Tenders must be submitted to by April 30th 2024.
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1 Possible Competitors