Provision of a Written Translation Service to Estyn (Welsh to English and English to Welsh)
Prif amcanion y Tendrwr llwyddiannus (y “Contractwr”) fydd:The main objectives of the successful Contractor will be to:.a) cynnig gwasanaeth cyfieithu cywir i’r cleient (o’r Saesneg i’r Gymraeg ac o’r Gymraeg i’r Saesneg);a) provide the Client with an accurate translation service (from English to Welsh and from Welsh to English);.b) cynnig gwasanaeth effeithlon i fodloni anghenion y Cleient;b) provide an efficient service to meet the Client’s needs;.c) cynnig costau cywir a chodi ffi ar y cleient yn unol â’i Restr Brisiau;c) provide accurate costing and charge the Client in accordance with its Pricing Schedule;.d) mwyhau gwerth am arian ar gyfer y Cleient; ad) maximise value for money for the Client; and.e) sicrhau cyfrinachedd a diogelwch y gwaith.e) ensure the confidentiality and security of work..Bydd y Contractwr hefyd yn darparu gwasanaeth prawfddarllen ar gyfer adroddiadau a dogfennau eraill a nodwyd a ddarperir gan y Cleient yn Gymraeg a’u cyfieithu i’r Saesneg, gan ddychwelyd y ddogfen Gymraeg wreiddiol gydag unrhyw newidiadau arfaethedig yn cael eu nodi gan newidiadau trac.The Contractor will also provide a proof reading service for identified reports and other documents provided by the Client in Welsh and being translated into English, returning the original Welsh document with any changes proposed identified by means of tracked changes..
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CPV Codes
79530000 - Translation services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors