Provision of an AHDB data platform from improved integrated pest management data (IPM)
AHDB is seeking to develop a new programme of activity addressing the detection of pests, weeds and diseases. Monitoring for their presence is a key component of integrated pest management (IPM). Currently, AHDB fund a research project which aims to improve Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV) management through the adoption of IPM principles, particularly the use of vector (aphid) monitoring and decision support systems (DSS). The project outputs will include recommendations on the specific components of a cost-effective and practical BYDV monitoring service. AHDB intend to use BYDV as a pilot study to inform the development of data management protocols. Lessons learnt from the pilot will inform AHDB's thinking for a wider monitoring solution for pests, weeds and diseases and analysis and interpretation of the integrated datasets. Currently, there are monitoring services which provide a landscape-scale view of numbers and species of aphids flying. However, information on local aphid numbers and the potential threat from BYDV would be beneficial in improving decision making. In the pilot AHDB intend to support a programme of sampling and testing to provide an indication of aphid and virus pressure at a local (field) scale. This work will be referred to as two components, a pest component and a data component. Suppliers for each component will be expected to work in close co-operation with each other and AHDB. This will include the sharing of sampling protocols and details of any fields where monitoring might take place. The tender is split into two Lots: -Lot 1 Insect and BYDV sampling network -Lot 2 Data component: collection, collation, analytics and outputs AHDB expect that Suppliers may not have the collective expertise both in aphids and the data collection, so AHDB will welcome bids where Suppliers may bid for either both Lots, or separate Lots.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72314000 - Data collection and collation services
72316000 - Data analysis services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors