Provision of an Emerging Leaders Programme
Tender: 20865 - Emerging Leaders Programme: The overall aim is to deliver a programme to enhance the potential of future leaders of the NHS. The programme will be inclusive and potentially include delegates from a variety of different organisations with a variety of backgrounds and skill sets, who whilst are experienced in their field are new to a leadership role. We are especially interested in those from diverse backgrounds, as well as individuals who are working in clinical and medical roles, clinical commissioning groups and primary care. We are looking for providers who will work with OUR EXISTING Emerging Leaders programme product to further develop it and deliver a programme which will attract people with different skills and backgrounds to increase their leadership potential to operate at more senior levels. The programme needs to address the current issues being faced by leaders in the NHS. * Examples and appendixes of the current product are included within the portal. Our aim is to run one cohort with a minimum of 48 delegates and a maximum of 68 with a programme length of 9 months. There will be an option to extend the contract to run a further three cohorts however this will be subject to evaluation, demand and performance. In addition to the 9 month programme EMLA would like a Train the Trainer package to be developed to enable further cohorts of the programme to be delivered internally within member organisations in order to increase participation and maximise the programmes potential in developing future NHS leaders. This should include the design of a one day training workshop for approximately 8-10 participants as well as programme materials, and will accessible to EMLA staff and selected Organisational Development Leads from EMLA member organisations. HOW TO APPLY....... This project is being conducted via the e-procurement portal. follow the links below:- This Opportunity: Current Opportunities: Supplier Registration: This is a "light touch" procurement
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80521000 - Training programme services
80570000 - Personal development training services
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors