Provision of Assessment Centres for the Trainee Procurement Executive Programme (TPEP)
The commissioning of an external provider to assist with the recruitment and selection for TPEP( Trainee Procurement Executive Programme ). In particular, Value Wales is seeking external assistance with the assessment centre element of its proposed selection process. The aim is to carry out open and fair recruitment of the two cohorts of 12 (24 individuals in total). An on-line test will have been used as a sifting tool to reduce the number of applicants to 40 to take them through a formal assessment centre.This is a critical strand of the project in terms of filling gaps in the public service procurement workforce, providing resource now to deliver improvement projects, and future succession planning. Participants could be graduates, school leavers, existing or displaced public service staff, or the unemployed.Our primary objective is to have a fair, open and cost effective way to identify the best 24 applicants who are capable of successfully completing the training programme and who are likely to bring the greatest benefits to the public sector for the duration of the programme.Our specific objective is the successful delivery of an assessment centre to identify the most appropriate individuals in line with our primary objective identified above.The Welsh Assembly Government, on behalf of the Welsh Ministers, will be conducting this If the process is being let using the e-procurement process the following wording should be added (If not this and all references to bravo solutions should be deleted): procurement exercise through the etenderwales portal Tender documents and other information must be downloaded from and returned through this portal. If you require any further assistance the BravoSolution helpdesk is available on:Email: Phone: 0800 3684850 / Fax: 020 7060 0480Full information in accessing the portal is found in Section VI.3.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79635000 - Assessment centre services for recruitment
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors