Provision of audio,film and digital PR materials for social enterprises.
Ballyhoura Development, in collaboration with the local network of social enterprises, is seeking to raise awareness of social enterprises and their potential by delivering a consistent and coherent message to the public. A key objective for the Ballyhoura Development A Day in the Life of a Social Enterprise initiative is:‘To raise awareness, improve knowledge and increase engagement with Social Enterprises services. in areas such as homecare, childcare, employment activation, retail, tourism, heritage, culture, arts, catering, recycling, environmental services, and social housing by collectively empowering social enterprises to have a voice and a role in raising awareness and through actively involving political leaders, young people and the general public to be ambassadors to communicate social enterprise services, opportunities, achievements, impacts and potential’.The objective is based on the national ARISE programme objectives and on the premise that for social enterprise to fully realise its potential, it is necessary to build more coherence and raise awareness with the public, other businesses and across government. The project will capture both the general and key messaging as identified in the DRCD Social Enterprise Awareness Raising Strategy 2021.This will be achieved by:(i)Facilitating local social enterprises to design engaging and interactive ‘lived social enterprise experiences’ that can be disseminated widely to highlight social enterprise activities.(ii)Building capacity among social enterprise leaders to design and deliver sustainable innovative communications beyond the project timeframe.
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