Provision of Behavioural Diagnostic Tools for businesses
This RFT is for supply of Behavioural Diagnostic Tools to assist beneficiary SME companies ("Target SMEs") enrolled on the Propel2Grow high growth business growth programme to deliver insight into the behaviours, strengths and development areas of key personnel within their business. The primary objective is to provide Target SMEs (and where appropriate Sector Specialists) with insights into the strengths and development areas of their key personnel, to act as an enabler as companies commence their growth journey. The behavioural diagnostic forms part of a discovery phase which aims to provide SMEs with a holistic report into the current state of their business, both from the aspect of their key personnel and the key attributes of their business performance. The results of the above findings are provided to the beneficiary in report which will assist the business on how they can: •Grow the bottom line •Develop competitive advantage •Improve efficiency & effectiveness •Upskill the competencies of the management team & key operational staff
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors