Provision of Car Boot Sale or Market on Car Parks owned by Hart District Council
16/11/2020 Update - Deadline for submissions extended to 30 November to accommodate additional covid challenges during advertised period In the Government's Covid-19 Recovery Strategy it outlined how the Government working with local government, charities and the civil society would and should continue to act to suppress the spread of the disease. Another key theme was the ambition to continue to support our businesses and economies, helping people to have the confidence to return to their high streets and continue the plan to rebuild The Council has been actively involved in the response to Covid-19, from supporting those shielding to receive food and medicines, supporting charities to continue to provide to those most at need, as well as keeping businesses informed as guidance and grant funding has altered over time. As part of this approach the Council, during the summer enabled the provision of a pilot for a car boot sale on Victoria Road Car Park in Fleet. Whilst only for six weeks, this was considered effective. To meet the Councils obligations to ensure good value for money, we are now seeking expressions of interest - from any party - who would like the opportunity to establish a car boot sale or market on any of the Councils car parks. It is anticipated that as a minimum, anyone expressing an interest to run an event will need to 'make good' any loss of income that the Council may experience from lost car park income and commercial ventures, pay a commercial rental. Please note: Safety is our primary concern, so anyone applying must be aware that should Covid-19 guidance alter or concerns be raised regarding the safety of these events, the Council reserves the absolute right to halt all such events. The deadline for completion is midday Friday 6th November and responses should be emailed to If you have any queries in the meantime, please contact Ashley Grist (
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CPV Codes
79340000 - Advertising and marketing services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors