Provision of Catering Services at Cwmbran Boating Lake
The Boating Lake is within the boundaries of Torfaen County Borough Council Unitary Authority (hereinafter the Council). It is an important ecological and recreational asset; and is open all year to the public . It has two lakes, outdoor seating, fishing platforms, BBQ's and a children's play park. It is very popular with families, runners and youths, who utilise the skate park. Half of the area is designated as a site of special scientific interest with additional key attractions around the boating lake as a result of recent works which include:a new improved boathouse and external environment for meeting, re-landscaped and improved lake with new planting , viewing platforms, boardwalks wetland areas, a floating island and bank stabilisation.It is estimated that visitors come from within one (1) hour’s drive time, which includes the entire Torfaen County Borough Council area and surrounding areas such as Newport. Current visitor numbers are estimated in excess of 165,000 visits per annum. The Council is seeking to appoint a contractor to provide a catering service from the Boat House. The contract will be in the form of a licence where the operator of the catering service will pay the Council for providing those services in its facilities. The estimated turnover for a twelve month period from 1 April to 31 March is £120,000 exclusive of vat.The contract will be for a three year period with an option to extend for a further two years in one year periods.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
55520000 - Catering services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors