Provision of Civil Engineering Design Assessment Hinkley Point C
Hinkley Point C (HPC) site has been licensed by the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) to facilitate the licensee, NNB Generation Company Ltd (NNB GenCo), to construct and operate two EPRTM reactors. Nuclear safety aspects of the construction, commissioning and operation of the site will be permissioned by ONR via a series of regulatory permissioning points under site licence conditions. The first of these permissions is the first pour of nuclear safety related concrete, and this will give consent to NNB GenCo to start construction of the Technical Galleries. The second stage of construction requiring ONR consent is the pouring of the first concrete for the common raft foundation of the Nuclear Island. Prior to granting permission for the first pour of nuclear safety related concrete, ONR must gain confidence not only in the adequacy of the design of the Technical Galleries but also that adequate progress is being made with designs for other early construction items such as the pump house and the marine works. Following the first permission, ONR will need to be satisfied that adequate progress is being made with the development of structural design methodologies for other key safety classified buildings (such as the Nuclear Auxiliary Building), before granting permission to commence Nuclear Island construction. ONR is seeking specialist assistance from a suitably experienced Technical Support Contractor (TSC) to undertake the detailed review and assessment of sample deliverables produced by the licensee in relation to the civil engineering design in the areas described
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1 Possible Competitors