Provision of Conference Facilities and Hotel Accommodation Services on Long Term Agreement (LTA) Basis in Jordan, Amman & Dead Sea for 5 Stars Hotels
WFD office in Jordan regularly organizes conferences, workshops, seminars and meetings ("Events") in respect of its Programme implementation in Jordan. Likewise, hotel accommodation (rooms reservation) may be requested for guests/visitors/staff travelling to Jordan from time to time. To achieve cost efficiency from economies of scale while ensuring outstanding quality of services, WFD Jordan wishes to conclude a Long-Term Agreement(s) (LTA) for a maximum period of one (1) year for the provision of conference facilities, refreshment items and hotel accommodation (rooms reservation) services with a vendor(s) specialized in this area of services. The successful vendor(s) (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor(s)") shall be contracted for an initial period of one (1) year, and the contract shall be renewable on annual basis until the end of the EU Jordan Programme in November 2026, upon satisfactory evaluation of performance. WFD Jordan will select one or more qualified contractor(s) based on the results of competitive process and may issue contracts with any of these in the framework of the resulting LTA. The LTA(s) shall not guarantee an estimate volume of sales on the part of WFD and is to be understood as a non-exclusive agreement. Physical facilities and amenities e.g. conference facilities, provision of refreshment items, staff, hotel rooms, conference rooms are locally available in locations to which bidder has applied for and offered the financial proposal. Primary Services •Provision of suitable venues for organizing conferences, meetings, seminars. •Provision of pointers, laptops (possibility of using webcams for online guests), printers, photocopy machine, wireless handheld microphone, data show, screen, podium, cable extension, etc. •Provision of meals, coffee-breaks, mineral water during the events, and management of all catering requirements. •Arranging of events space: ensuring requested tables disposition and the provision and installation of information signs. •Provision of equipment necessary for events conduction such as simultaneous interpretation system as well as renting and installing additional electronic and audio-visual equipment. •Provision of onsite IT support with audio/ visual equipment •Provision of workshop consumables (flipchart paper & flipchart stand and set of markers, note pads, pens, etc). •Provision of direction signs. •Provision of hotel accommodation for participants when required. •Provision of transportation for participants when required. •Provision of additional support services such as: printing and copying of information materials, when required. •Provision of high-speed wireless internet access at the venue. •Copying and /or printing of information materials for the participants when needed •Free parking for participants. The minimum value of the opportunity is 13662 JOD. For further details on how to apply, please read through the attached Invitation to Tender document.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors