Provision of Control and Instrumentation Technical Review for the Close Out of the Westinghouse Electric Company AP1000 C&I GDA Issues
BACKGROUND TO THE PROJECT A Generic Design Assessment (GDA) of the Westinghouse Electric Company (WEC) UK AP1000 reactor was undertaken during the period July 2007 to December 2011. This exercise culminated with the issue of an Interim Design Acceptance Confirmation (IDAC). At that time a number of unresolved issues remained which are considered by the regulators to be significant, but resolvable, and which require resolution before nuclear island safety-related construction of such a reactor could be considered. These issues were formally captured as GDA Issues in Annex 2 of the IDAC. With regard to Control and Instrumentation, 10 GDA Issues are identified. As part of the close-out of that phase of the GDA, WEC developed a Resolution Plan for each of the GDA Issues in order to demonstrate that each one is amenable to timely resolution. Each plan sets out the work required to address the identified issue and a programme for that work. The IDAC, GDA Issues and Resolution Plans are publicly available on the ONR web site. A summary of the C&I GDA Issues, Actions and Resolution Plans is attached to this statement as well as revised Resolution Plans reflecting the outcome of recent discussions between ONR and WEC. The Westinghouse Electric Company has recently announced that it would like to close out the GDA of the UK AP1000 design and therefore address the outstanding GDA Issues. ONR are now looking to mobilise a team to support this exercise.
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