Provision of COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002) advice services
Provide expert advice on all aspects of COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002) to ensure we are legally compliant with the regulations. We require supplier to: 1.Provide expert advice with regards to COSHH: a.Help us maintain legal compliance, advising us on changes to COSHH legislation and how that impacts on our work; b.Provide advice on risk management, including appropriate PPE and compliance with COSHH. 2.Review and comment on our new COSHH risk assessment format. This is divided into two sections: the assessment for the end user (broadly, the hazards, risks and controls of the chosen substance/methodology), and the decision log (broadly, underpinning considerations e.g. alternative substances). 3.Review and comment on our question prompt sheet, which is based on the COSHH Regulations and the ACoP L5, to ensure it is suitable as an aide-memoire for assessors and reviewers. 4.Prepare and develop new COSHH risk assessments: a.These must be prepared in accordance with the COSHH Regulations and the HSE Approved Code of Practice reference number L5. b.Note: we require these to be bespoke assessments, as opposed to software generated. c.Consult with nominated users (within the Environment Agency) to understand how the substance is used and whether the proposed control measures are practicable. d.Provide COSHH Assessments in the new Environment Agency format (split into assessment and decision log). e.Provide assessments for planned or occasional exposure to substances. 5.Review our existing COSHH Assessments: a.Check whether they are still suitable and sufficient; b.Update to new format.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors