Provision of Data Cabling Services
To supply and install Commscope structured cabling infrastructure to provide a flexible basis for the provision of voice, data, video and other services to users; the performance of the cabling must provide the following: 1. Be based on internationally recognised standards for design, performance and component type and quality. 2. Provide full flexibility of workstation location and support concentration of workstation or networked services. 3. Support a wide range of current and future data and voice communications techniques with any outlet being able to be used for any service type. 4. Facilitate the rapid, cost effective relocation of users, regardless of their communications requirements. 5. Be manageable and fully documented. 6. Have a minimum twenty five years life, warranted by the manufacturer. All systems and equipment shall be installed by the trust pre-approved data cabling installer who shall be an accredited CommScope Premier and Authorised Integrator / installer. All installation work shall be covered by a CommScope twenty five year warranty. Test and commissioning of all components of the structured cabling system are essential.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
32421000 - Network cabling
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors