Provision of design and build contract for a development at Britannia House, Pool Road, West Molesey, Surrey, KT12 2AB
The project is the demolition of existing industrial office and industrial buildings with the proposed development of 87 residential units to produce a mix of 83 apartments and 4 houses to provide a pleasant living environment for new residents. The Project has achieved planning permission and provides 3 blocks of 4 storeys and a separate terrace of houses. The site works will include a site access road, landscaping, services, cycle and refuse storage, play area and car parking area. All the units will be required to meet:•the minimum size requirements and Housing Design Guides •the principles of Secure by Design and new Building Fire safety and further requirements of our Employer's Requirements. The anticipated value of the project is approximately Eighteen to Twenty million pounds (£18m-£20m) excluding VAT. Tenderers should note that this sum is indicative only and is not to be read as a fixed or final cost.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45100000 - Site preparation work.
45213312 - Car park building construction work.
71248000 - Supervision of project and documentation.
45400000 - Building completion work.
45112712 - Landscaping work for gardens.
45112723 - Landscaping work for playgrounds.
71245000 - Approval plans, working drawings and specifications.
45111213 - Site-clearance work.
45112700 - Landscaping work.
45111100 - Demolition work.
45211340 - Multi-dwelling buildings construction work.
45300000 - Building installation work.
50000000 - Repair and maintenance services.
45113000 - Siteworks.
71247000 - Supervision of building work.
45211341 - Flats construction work.
45000000 - Construction work.
45111200 - Site preparation and clearance work.
45343230 - Sprinkler systems installation work.
Tenderbase Categories
Mining/ Machinery/ Demolition and Earthmoving/ Metallurgy Machinery/ Civil Engineering Machinery/
Construction/ Reclamation/ Building Construction/ Leisure Facilities/ Transport/ Warehouses and Industrial Buildings/
Travel and Accomodation/ Hotel/ Travel Agency/ Real Estate/ Rental and Sale/ / Architectural and Related Services/
Construction/ Reclamation/ Building Construction/ Leisure Facilities/ Transport/ Warehouses and Industrial Buildings/
Construction/ Reclamation/ Building Construction/ Leisure Facilities/ Transport/ Warehouses and Industrial Buildings/
Travel and Accomodation/ Hotel/ Travel Agency/ Real Estate/ Rental and Sale/ / Architectural and Related Services/
Mining/ Machinery/ Demolition and Earthmoving/ Metallurgy Machinery/ Civil Engineering Machinery/
Construction/ Reclamation/ Building Construction/ Leisure Facilities/ Transport/ Warehouses and Industrial Buildings/
Mining/ Machinery/ Demolition and Earthmoving/ Metallurgy Machinery/ Civil Engineering Machinery/
Construction/ Reclamation/ Building Construction/ Leisure Facilities/ Transport/ Warehouses and Industrial Buildings/
Construction/ Reclamation/ Building Construction/ Leisure Facilities/ Transport/ Warehouses and Industrial Buildings/
Repair and Maintenance Vehichles/ Motor Vehicles/ Aircraft/ Railway/ Roads/ Marine/
Construction/ Reclamation/ Building Construction/ Leisure Facilities/ Transport/ Warehouses and Industrial Buildings/
Travel and Accomodation/ Hotel/ Travel Agency/ Real Estate/ Rental and Sale/ / Architectural and Related Services/
Construction/ Reclamation/ Building Construction/ Leisure Facilities/ Transport/ Warehouses and Industrial Buildings/
Mining/ Machinery/ Demolition and Earthmoving/ Metallurgy Machinery/ Civil Engineering Machinery/
Mining/ Machinery/ Demolition and Earthmoving/ Metallurgy Machinery/ Civil Engineering Machinery/
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors