Provision of Diving Services for the Thames Area
The Environment Agency is seeking the provision of Diving Services to complete both Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) and Reactive Diving Works for a number of Environment Agency assets, including locks, weirs and bridges within its Thames Area and with a possible requirement for working in other Environment Agency areas as and when required. PPM work comprises sub-surface inspections of a variety of structures and producing comprehensive written reports, as well as scheduled component replacement. Reactive Works are generated by PPM inspection findings, as well as additional construction works requested by Environment Agency areas and departments. Environment Agency assets in Thames Area which require routine diving operations are mainly located along the River Thames, the upper half flowing from St John's Lock to Hurley Lock and the lower half from Temple Lock to Teddington Lock. Further assets are found on the Rivers Wey, Kennet, Loddon, Ray, Wolvercote and on the Jubilee River. All rivers stated are non-tidal, with the exception of Teddington Lock site on the River Thames. The diving teams will predominantly be working on inland rivers and reservoirs, with an infrequent requirement to work on our coastal defenses. Use of this framework may also be offered to the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), and to its associated bodies including any Agencies and non departmental public bodies. As such, any indicative volumes or estimated framework values may be subject to change. The framework is intended to be awarded to a single supplier.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
98363000 - Diving services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors