Provision of drug and alcohol inpatient detoxification services in and across Cambridgeshire.
This contract was transferred over to the Local Authority from Health in 2013. The Council extended the contract until 31.3.2016 to ensure the clinical continuity of the Inpatient Detoxification Service. Market research demonstrated that there were no other providers in the market who were able to provide a ‘like for like' service within the financial envelope available.The Councils Inpatient detox service is provided by CPFT and on top of that service has procured 3 inpatient beds solely for drug and alcohol detox purposes. The beds are based on an acute ward at Fulbourn and include clinical oversight by a Consultant Psychiatrist and 24 hour clinical care.The market research was carried out with a variety of detox providers including those providing private ‘out of county' rehabilitation settings confirmed that the current contract provides value for money. Due to the lack of comparable services in Cambridgeshire, we are concerned about transporting acutely unwell individuals outside of the county for detoxification services, due to patient safety, costs and travel arrangements.CPFT demonstrate clinical continuity and have aligned the beds with Addenbrookes and specialist community treatment providers. CPFT work with Inclusion, the Cambridgeshire drug treatment service. An extension of this contract until 31.3.2019 would draw this contract in line with the Adult Drug and Alcohol treatment contracts which both expire on 31.3.2019. This will give the Council the opportunity to re tender these services together.Definition of Service:It must provide 3 inpatient detoxification beds, comprising of: 3 beds at Fulbourn for Cambridgeshire residents, 18 years and over who are in structured treatment with Cambridgeshire Community Treatment Services for either drug or alcohol issues.Aims and Objectives of the Service:It provides planned inpatient care to service users with substance related problems requiring specialist medical, psychiatric and psychological care 24 -7. The aims for service users must be to stabilise or detoxify from substances, (opiates or alcohol), in accordance with national guidelines.The Service must:i. provide specialist assessment either on or prior to admission;j. be staffed by a multidisciplinary team with specialist knowledge of the management of addiction providing safe and effective treatment;k. assess and begin treatment for other mental disorders whilst service users are inpatients;l. offer appropriate symptomatic treatments for withdrawal in line with ‘Drug misuse and dependence, UK guidelines on clinical management' for drug misusing patients;m. offer appropriate symptomatic treatments for withdrawal in line with ‘CG115 Alcohol-use disorders: diagnosis, assessment and management of harmful drinking and alcohol dependence' NICE Guidance for alcohol misusing patients;n. be:— individually tailored,— flexible,— able to make use of a menu of pharmacological and social interventions,— specific to mental and substance-related disorders;o. incorporate procedures that set boundaries on behaviour (e.g. non- prescribed drug use), while enabling service users to be treated in an empathetic and therapeutic manner;p. work with community partners to provide excellent joined-up care for those entering and leaving the service.
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85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors