Provision of Dual Diagnosis Service For NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Commissioning Board
NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (referred to as the Commissioner) is inviting suitably qualified Providers to express their interest for the Provision of NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB Dual Diagnosis ServiceThe Dual Diagnosis service in Waveney supports people who have mental health issues with co-occurring drug or alcohol addiction. The service works to stabilise people so that they are enabled to engage with services that meet their primary needs. Key objectives include:Proactively engage with under-served adult groups in Waveney that might not ordinarilyaccess services to support their dual diagnosis.Raise awareness of the challenges dual diagnosis can create and support mental health andsubstance misuse services to co-work individuals ensuring they do not fall between services.To actively support people to engage with services to receive appropriate treatment,including mental health services, substance misuse services, physical health, and social careEnable easy access for the client group to the service by drop-in and outreach sessions.Work collaboratively with Mental Health and Substance Misuse Services in the Waveneyarea to contribute towards the development of dual diagnosis care pathways.To work with those at risk of losing their accommodation due to their dual diagnosispresentation and ensure robust support plans are in place that will assist in maintaining atenancy or social care placement.To actively support people to engage with mental health services and substance misuseservices and encourage them to receive appropriate treatment.Work with system partners to ensure the biopsychosocial needs of the person are supported.To ensure that partnership working incorporates joint digital systems to facilitate two-waycommunications where possible.To work with services in the UEC Pathway to accurately assess a person's needThe proposed contract will be for a period of 5 years plus the option to extend for up to an additional 2 years.The annual contract value is £123,000 with a total maximum contract value of £861,000.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors