Provision of fifty (50) affordable council homes on (a) suitable site(s) available to a developer/bidder within the
Corby Borough Council has funding from its own resources and from the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA) under their Affordable Housing Programme 2015-18, to deliver 50 new council homes for affordable rent. The deadline for completion of the works is 15th December 2017. As the Council does not currently have any suitable sites to deliver a development of this size within the permitted time scales, an OJEU Prior Information Notice was posted last summer to test the market within the Borough. The Council now wishes to contract with a land owning residential developer to deliver a mixed tenure site (or a collection of smaller sites) within the borough, suitable for council homes and this Single-Stage Fixed Lump Sum Tender has been prepared in response to representations received. Combined with the Council’s own capital budget allocation of £5.75m, the HCA Funding of £1.5m gives an overall Scheme Budget of £7.25m to deliver these homes, as per the HCA Funding Agreement and the specification in this tender. The Council will retain £0.2m to cover internal fees, leaving £7.05m for the housing specified in this tender. The HCA Funding Agreement requires that the 50 new affordable homes are exempt from any Section 106 Planning Contributions and as such, the developer will need to establish the implications of this within their overall development. Given the lack of Stamp Duty Land Tax (due to partial government funding) the authority would be willing to either – A) purchase the land (subject to terms & planning permission) and appoint the developer under a design & build contract to build the Scheme OR B) enter into a developer agreement to bulk purchase the completed freehold dwellings that have been designed & built to order for CBC by the developer, including by agreement, any associated communal land / facilities. The Developer should make their preference known within their tender submission. Bidders should consult the tender documents which contain full details of the requirements and of the arrangements surrounding this procurement. The following is extracted from the specification, the whole of which is an integral part of this Notice. The Scheme shall comprise of the design & construction of the whole of the Works, being – • 24no. 2Bed 4Person (2B4P) Houses • 26no. 2Bed 4Person (2B4P) Bungalows All as per the tender specification and any referenced documents / drawings. The bungalows shall be grouped in “clusters” of at least four, to reinforce their status as sheltered accommodation. The Scheme shall also include all associated plot work, including; gardens, patios, paths, fences, sheds, bin stores, landscaping, water butts, drying facilities and the like and all Works to communal areas, including; access roads, parking areas, street lighting, estate paths, open spaces, hard-standings, soft landscaping, etc. Please see the Specification for further details.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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TenderBase ID :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors