Provision of Floating Support for adults with Mental Health problems living in their own homes.
DescriptionCity of Cardiff Council seeks to appoint a provider to deliver a Floating Support Service to individuals with Mental Health problems living in their own homes.The Mental Health Floating Support project is committed to providing a better quality of life to adults with mental health problems, to live independently in the community within their own homes. The Flexible Floating Support is intended to reduce the risk of hospital admissions and institutional care while assisting people to maintain a stable home in the community. The Floating Support project can compliment but does not replace personal care or other statutory services.City of Cardiff Council’s Health & Social Care Directorate has undertaken an Achieving Better Outcomes (ABO) project to review of the range of commissioned community care provision for adults with mental health problems and identified a gap for move on provision within the current services.The directorate currently procures circa 130 placements in 24 hour care settings which provide a highly valued service for people with critical social care needs. These services work in partnership with the local Community Mental Health teams by providing rehabilitative interventions to enable independent living skills and maintaining safety in the community. However, the ABO project observed that people were prevented from moving on from 24 hour care because a lack of specialist and flexible provision to support people through the transition into their own homes and to maintain their independence within the community.City of Cardiff Council recognises the essential role it has in providing alternative housing options for people with Mental Health problems that enable individuals to live full and active lives within their local communities. The Strategy for people with Mental health sets out a number of key commissioning intentions for Adult Health and Social Care which include a user-led approach to increasing citizen support, offering choice, and avoiding need for specialised care through the development of more responsive universal services. The proposed Floating Support project also meet the aims of the City of Cardiff Council:- ensuring people have access to a range of services and options which maximise their independence and choice of tenure;- making best use of the resources available to ensure accommodation and support services offer quality outcomes and value for money; and- ensuring activity is reflective of what people say they need and wantThe project aims to develop support options that meet people’s needs and aspirations including:(a) enabling individuals to make decisions relating to their own lives and providing information, support and assistance where needed;(b) providing opportunity for greater access to facilities and services, in particular those that maintain the physical wellbeing;(c) providing individuals with a home of their own in safe and secure non institutional environments;(d) meeting an individual’s specific needs whilst maximizing the use of mainstream resources;(e) Working in partnership with housing providers to provide mainstream, flexible housing options that allow people to be part of their community.City of Cardiff Council is therefore seeking the appointment of a provider to deliver specialist recovery focussed floating support to up to 20 service users that is inline with the individual service user’s identified need. The support required by each service user will vary but it will include support to manage their accommodation; to live within the community and access community activities and facilities and to maintain good links with the local multidisciplinary Community Mental Health Teams to ensure that the needs of the service user are met.Bidders should note that Cardiff Council requires one contractor to provide the service. Cardiff Council welcomes bids from all tendering organisations, including consortia, lead contractor organisations and sole tenderers.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
85310000 - Social work services
85300000 - Social work and related services
85320000 - Social services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors