Provision of High Level Mental Health Housing Related Support Services.
The Authority is tendering for Mental Health Supported Housing Services to be delivered in Bournemouth that are able to support people who present with a range of complex mental health needs.The redesign of Bournemouth's Mental Health Supported Housing services aims to ensure that people who require high support housing have access to it when they need it and that it is the type of quality that will enable them to live as independently as possible in the least restrictive setting.There is currently an over-supply of long term accommodation, an under supply of high level support accommodation and an under supply of step down accommodation. The current pathway no longer matches demand and following review of the services, the new Pathway will be for High Level Support for people with low level independence who may be coming from a hospital situation with a mental health diagnosis, or have a high level of mental health needs. The High level support will provide to one to one support. The Medium/Low level Support shall be delivered on a Floating Support basis, to enable Service Users to increase their independence while living in their own homes or step down accommodation.The new Pathway will start at High level support and will move Service Users on to Medium/Low level Floating Support in their own homes or step down accommodation. Occasionally Service Users may revert back through the Pathway from Medium/Low level Floating Support to High level support.The Service Provider will need to provide property comprising a total of 20 units. There is flexibility in how the units are made up. For example, you may have 2 properties with 7 units in each and 1 property with 6 units.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85300000 - Social work and related services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors