Provision of Historical Map Scanning
Provision of Historical Map Scanning - ONS has acquired, from the estate of the late Professor Alice Coleman, the field maps from her "2nd Land Utilisation Survey" (2LUSB) and the pages of the draft "Wildscape Atlas" (WA). The 2LUSB produced 64 categories of data, on top of which vegetation and habitats were additionally recorded in the uplands. These data can provide ONS with an urban footprint and a 'Contemporary Residential Built Environment' (CRBE) for the 1961 Census - both of which have previously been impossible to construct. They can also provide a wealth of environmental and rural information for our consortium partners, Defra and the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH), and for academic research. The WA will provide a comprehensive overview of habitats and vegetation cover for the upland landscapes of England and Wales in the 1960s, its rich and detailed data pushing ecological baseline data further back into the past and facilitating new research into land use change.
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Tender Regions
North West
South West
North East
East of England
Yorkshire and The Humber
South East
East Midlands
West Midlands
Northern Ireland
CPV Codes
98390000 - Other services.
Tenderbase Categories
Other Services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors