Provision of Home Library Service in Trafford
Trafford Council wish to invite providers to express their interest for the provision of Home Library Service in Trafford. Background to the requirement: The Home Library Service is for any resident of Trafford who; 1. Is physically unable to get to a Trafford library and has no one to help them do so 2. Can get to a library but cannot carry books/items home 3. Is a carer and is unable to visit libraries due to limited time as a result of their caring responsibilities. The Requirements: 1. Having a named person who will liaise with Access Trafford to operate the Home Library Service 2. Recruiting volunteers to visit clients and deliver items 3. Ensure volunteers have suitable checks in place i.e. DBS checks 4. Delivering books/items to clients' homes normally once every three weeks 5. Selecting, issuing renewing, requesting and returning items for clients 6. Paying volunteers' travelling expenses 7. Undertaking, jointly with Access Trafford, occasional surveys of clients to assess satisfaction 8. Accepting referrals for new clients from Access Trafford and other agencies such as Adult Social Care 9. Offering a friendly approach to clients as well as maintaining confidentiality about any personal information relating to them in accordance with the Data Protection Act 10
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors