Provision of IHC/ISH for Royal Marsden Hospital Chelsea and Sutton sites
The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust (RMH) is looking to refresh the immunohistochemistry (IHC) and in-situ hybridisation (ISH) provision for the department of Cellular Pathology at both the Sutton and Chelsea sites and to build greater capacity and resilience into the system enabling the department to cope with future workload increases, implement additional diagnostic tests, and provide enhanced turnaround times, whilst delivering a streamlined workflow, quality improvements and efficiency savings. The Cellular Pathology department is a national referral centre for cancer diagnostics with expertise in soft tissue sarcomas, haematological (as part of the Trust Specialist Integrated Haematological Malignancies Diagnostic Service (SIHMDS)), Genito-urinary and gynaecological malignancies. An analytical system is being sought which must not only be compact but offer a significant degree of automation and be capable of performing all tests with minimal operator input. The system will need to demonstrate optimal staining in line with requirements defined by our consultant pathologists; it should be noted that each site has specific requirements based on the work activity at those sites. The successful bidder(s) will have an excellent track record in field support and customer care. Due to the differing and specific requirements of each site the Trust is prepared to award based on the best solution for each site. It should be noted that this may, or may not, require a different supplier at each site. The suppliers are invited to bid for either Chelsea, Sutton or both sites. It is expected that the successful bidder will be at the forefront of technological development in the field and their system will be able to cope with the rising demand placed on laboratory services and, alleviate some of the pressures on staff within the laboratory whilst delivering a robust efficient cost effective service.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85111800 - Pathology services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors