Provision of Integrated Consultant Led Community Rehabilitation, Home Oxygen Assessment and Speciali
The overall aim of the Hounslow integrated consultant led community Pulmonary rehabilitation, home oxygen assessment and specialist nurse support service is to provide all eligible patients with a service that meets their needs and achieves the outcomes. The objectives of the service are to:1. Provide an integrated care service where the Provider will work with other services/stakeholders, to ensure continuity of care is provided to the patients with chronic respiratory conditions, e.g. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).2. Ensure pulmonary rehabilitation is accessible to all individuals with chronic respiratory conditions e.g. COPD.3. Provide a systematic and integrated assessment and review of patients on home oxygen (HOS AR).4. Provide recently discharged COPD patients with support so that they can self-manage their condition and avoid re-admission.5. Reduce non-elective admission to hospital for those patients with diagnosed COPD.
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors