Provision of Landline, Mobile & Data Comms Lines [2017 - 2022]
Provision, support and maintenance of communication lines for Havebury Housing Partnership, [Lot 2] and Freebridge Community Housing [Lot 1]. The Contract will be awarded to the MEAT, criteria of 60% Quality (Quality Questionnaire) and 40% Cost and is a restricted procedure. Freebridge Community Housing own and manages close to 7,000 homes in West Norfolk. It works closely with local authorities, agencies and community groups to meet local social housing needs and to provide wider community services. Our current communications is based around a point to point connection, leased lines and ADSL internet connections (or FTTC where available). It has a data centre in the centre of King's Lynn and DR services are provided at another location on the outskirts of town. It is starting to back up to Microsoft Azure and the strategy is to use that as secondary DR. Azure also hosts the corporate website. The Havebury Housing Partnership manages over 6,000 homes across Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Essex. It works closely with local authorities, agencies and other housing associations to meet local social housing needs and to provide community services. It is now in a proof of concept phase with Microsoft Azure. Its current comms is based around MPLS with a data centre in Manchester providing our cloud DR and hosting of our web-facing services. It is planned that this arrangement would be replaced in March 2018, moving to simple Internet connections.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors