Provision of Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services
Provision of Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services - ESTH tender ref: itt_3901 - Invitation to Tender Epsom & St Helier NHS Trust and Croydon Health Services NHS Trust welcomes innovative solutions from suitably qualified providers for the provision of Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (PTS). The requirements are set out in the invitation to tender package. The procurement is structured to include multiple Lots and bidders are afforded the opportunity to bid for single or multiple Lots. The awarding authority will depend on the Lot and is detailed below. The Trust reserves the right to award individual Lots to multiple providers as well as the opportunity for a single award for all Lots. The Trust also reserves the right not to award single or multiple Lots. The Trust requests that when expressing an interest you declare if you are interested in providing one or multiple Lots from the list above. Please include this detail in your PQQ submission and if you are bidding for multiple Lots please note that a single PQQ will be accepted. The contracts will be let as a result of the Restricted OJEU procedure. This exercise will take an open, fair and transparent procurement process, designed to allow all potential providers the opportunity to demonstrate approaches by which they would deliver safe, reliable and cost-effective patient transport services to eligible patients. The eligibility of patients for this service is determined by the Department of Health Eligibility Criteria. The key strategic objectives of the procurement and subsequent service to be delivered are to: • Satisfy responsibility for the provision of suitable transport for eligible patients • Ensure patients equity of access to healthcare • Deliver measureable improvements in patient experience • Obtain best value for money PTS comprises the movement of patients whose condition is not considered an 'emergency' between patients' homes, hospitals, community settings or other treatment centres, for people referred for consultations, treatments or procedures. This can and should encompass a wide range of vehicle types and levels of care consistent with the patients' medical need(s). The Trust is seeking to develop collaboration with a Provider that will support the delivery of the Trust's strategic clinical and operational objectives over a 3 year term (with 24 months optional extension increments available and two be agreed between the awarding authority and the provider).
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
34114122 - Patient-transport vehicles
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors