Provision of of an Intranet Solution based on Microsoft SharePoint, for the North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
Provision of an intranet solution covering the following aspects: 1.To determine the best solution to meet the communication and information needs of NEAS with a Content Management System (CMS) based on Microsoft SharePoint; 2.To provide a trusted platform(s) for staff to quickly find information they need to do their jobs; 3.To play a key role as a ‘business tool’ by delivering a range of web-based applications; 4.To aid corporate internal communications informing staff about changes happening to modernise NEAS and improve productivity; 5.To develop an ‘online community’ to boost collaboration, discussion and feedback; 6.To establish a channel for workplace engagement/consultation; 7.To enable the agile-working agenda across the Trust; 8.To be accessible to employees on a range of devices from different locations. 9.To provide support for collaboration, meeting facilitation and document management.
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1 Possible Competitors