Provision of Oral Health Improvement: Supervised Toothbrushing Programme in Primary Schools
The Supervised tooth brushing programme is aimed at children attending primary schools inareas of deprivation, experiencing poorer oral health. The tooth brushing activity will takeplace in the school setting they attend. The main aims of the programme are to reduce theprevalence of tooth decay, hospital admissions for dental caries and reduce healthinequalities in children. The objectives and related outcomes are: To develop healthy habitsfrom a very young age (life course approach), To increase children's willingness to brushheir teeth, To improve children's toothbrushing technique, To encourage daily application offluoride toothpaste to teeth which reduces the incidence and severity of tooth decay inchildren, To encourage support for home brushing, To establish life-long behaviour inchildren to promote oral health, To reduce the negative impact of poor oral health, Toincrease and promote intergenerational understanding of good oral health to children &families, To provide quality information, advice and training to school staff, To increasecommunity resilience and improve understanding and ownership of personal health andwellbeing from a very young age, To increase awareness on healthy eating and sugarconsumption in food & drinks, To prevent childhood overweight and obesity, To develop linkswith other local services and organisations to provide an integrated approach to oral healthprovision. (see service specification for more details).
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85130000 - Dental practice and related services
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1 Possible Competitors