Provision of Peer Support Services for ICSs
Provide integrated care systems (ICSs) with support in the area of system-based leadership, relationship building and problem solving, with the aim of bringing the local systems together to further integrate health and care services for the benefit of local communities.The supplier will develop packages of bespoke support for local systems. The peer support offer will seek to develop systems by helping them to identify and agree priorities and work together and build relationships that will support the successful integration and associated improvement to access, quality, safety and the financial sustainability of local systems.Description of DeliverablesDelivery of peer support offers to enable health and care leaders to agree and implement their ambitions in the context of the new system wide statutory partnerships, new relationships between commissioners and providers and an intensified focus on provider collaboration. Priority setting will take place with NHSEI nationally and regionally, scoping meetings with programme management staff prior to support delivery through:• Peer Challenge (including a mix of one-to-one interviews and focus groups)• Bespoke workshops for system or place-based leaders which will often be a series of sessions to help partners come to a shared understanding of the issues facing their ICS or place and to explore potential ways forward• Peer-to-peer buddying and critical friend• Pause and Reflect’ workshops for systems to come together and collectively reflect on the pandemic, what they should stop, change and continue and how this might shape future priority setting.• Evaluation – embedded evaluation of the impact of bespoke support and intervention• Monthly reporting and fortnightly status update meetings and associated marketing and communications (brochure, slides, advertising and social media and e-marketing content), as well as support to share learning with wider systems through blogs, videos and case studies
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79400000 - Business and management consultancy and related services
85100000 - Health services
Status :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors