Provision of Plant Machinery Mechanics to undertake Servicing, Breakdown Repair(s) & Maintenance
Tenders are invited for the supply of services in respect of the provision of a plant machinery mechanic(s) to undertake the servicing, breakdown repair, and maintenance of highway mobile plant and machinery to the highest possible standards on behalf of the highways department. The mechanic(s) will also be required to replace any parts including for the checking and calibration of instruments. It is the intention of the Council to establish a Framework Agreement which will consist of a number providers under a lotting structure. The Framework Agreement will be administered and the work allocated by the CouncilHighway Department as they see appropriate. Being selected as one of the prospective Providers on the Framework Agreement in no way guarantees an allotted amount of work during the Framework period.The volume of work required can vary considerably, therefore no overall of firm specific levels of business can be guaranteed. Further details are set out within the Invitation to Tender specificationrequirementsNOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45259000 - Repair and maintenance of plant
50530000 - Repair and maintenance services of machinery
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors