Provision of primary care nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, optometry and inpatients services to HMPs Downview, Coldingley, High Down and Send
NHS England seek to commission primary care nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, optometry and inpatients* services for HMP Downview, HMP Coldingley, HMP High Down and HMP Send. A prior information/market engagement notice was published on the Contracts Finder website in January 2016, which anticipated that a single, integrated contract would be let for all of the in-scope services across the four prisons. Subsequently, and in order to maintain contractual independence and flexibility for each prison, a decision has been taken by NHS England to procure the in-scope healthcare services as a separate lot for each prison. Procurement lots: Lot 1 – Primary care nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, optometry services to HMP Downview Lot 2 – Primary care nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, optometry services to HMP Coldingley Lot 3 – Primary care nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, optometry and inpatients services to HMP High Down* Lot 4 – Primary care nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, optometry services to HMP Send * Please note that only Lot 3 (HMP High Down) also includes inpatients services The contracts are due to begin in April 2017 (aside from some dentistry services for lots 2-4, for which contract commencement is to be deferred to April 2018. Further information on this requirement will be provided at the Invitation To Tender stage). Under each lot, NHS England will commission a prime provider model for prison healthcare services, in order to support integrated, patient centred care across the full range of service specialties required to manage the complex healthcare needs of those in the prison setting. The service specifications provided at tender stage will set out the range of services required by the commissioner. NHS England will contract with the prime provider for each prison, who in turn can directly provide care and/or subcontract care to other specialist providers for primary care nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, optometry and inpatients services (where applicable). The prime provider will also be responsible for ensuring that all healthcare services operating within the prison work in an integrated way, delivering seamless care pathways. Services will be supportive of each other and the patient, minimising repetition and handoffs. Services under the prime provider model will be accountable not only for their own area of specialism but also to work together to contribute to the functioning of the healthcare services as a whole. The prime provider will hold overall clinical, governance and financial accountability for healthcare services in the prison, coordinating provision and distributing funding etc. The closing date for registering an expression of interest and returning completed Pre-Qualification Questionnaires (PQQs) is 12 Noon on 25th May 2016. Additional details/description is continued in Additional Text below.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
75231000 - Judicial services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors